Organizational Structure of Central Bureau
Civil Service Office
Civil Service Office is an independent unit of Opekepe and reports directly to the Director General.
Legal Service
Legal Service is an independent unit of Opekepe and reports directly to the President.It is responsible for the managing all legal subjects of the Agency.
Development and Application of Co-financed Projects Unit
Development and Application of Co-financed Projects Unit is an independent unit of Opekepe and reports directly to the Vice President.
Administration Support Units
- European Affairs,Communication and Public Relations Office
- Administration and Secretariat of the Board of Directors Office
Administration Support Units are independent units of the Agency and reports directly to the President.
Informatics Directorate
- Support of Systems & Applications Department
- Development of Applications & IT Systems Security Department
- Management of Data & Registries Department
The responsibilities of the directorate are based on the support of all IT systems and communicative infrastructure of OPEKEPE, the production of new applications according to internal needs and the management of all network equipment.
Direct Aids and Market Directorate
- Aid & Schemes Department
- Management of Single Payment Entitlements Department
- Department of Market Measures and Interventions Implementation
- Department of Aids for Operators Programs
Directorate’s competences conclude the pillar I (Direct Aids and Market Interventions).
Rural Development and Fisheries Directorate
- Competitiveness Improvement Department
- Improvement of Agricultural Environment Department
- Development of Rural Economy Department
- Fisheries Department
Directorate’s competences include pillar 2 (Operational Programs for Rural Development & Fisheries). Specifically it is responsible for the monitoring, supervision and control of the projects aiming at the improvement of the competitiveness of the rural sector, enhancement of the agricultural environment, as well as the development and diversification of agricultural sector, the implementation of regional development programs and technical assistance actions, the support and development of fisheries.
Technical Controls Directorate
- Planning, Organization & Evaluation of Controls Department
- Cross – compliance Department
- Department of Management and Maintenance of Cartographical data
- Remote Sensing & GIS Department
The Directorate is responsible for technical controls’ planning, organization and evaluation. In addition it manages the technical means necessary for those controls.
Payment of Agricultural Aids Directorate
- Budget & Revenues Department
- Accounting of Third Parties Payments Department
- Monitoring of Unduly Paid Amounts Department
- Payments Archive Department
The Directorate is responsible for the management of the three European Funds accounts: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (E.A.G.F.), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (E.A.F.R.D.) and European Fisheries Fund (E.F.F.)
Administrative & Financial Support Directorate
- Department of Human Resource Training & Development
- Department of Human Resource Management
- Procurements Department
- Accounting & Organization’s Budget Department
The Directorate is responsible for OPEKEPE’s Human Resource management, training and development. It is also in charge of Organization’s financial, procurement, equipment and resource management as well as logistics and correspondence management.
Internal Audit Directorate
Internal Audit Directorate of OPEKEPE is an independent unit of the Agency and reports directly to the President. It consists of three departments:
- Programming, Planning & Evaluation Department
- Inspections & second-level Controls Department
- Bodies Monitoring Department
Responsibility of the Directorate is (a) to monitor Agency’s services and authorized bodies responsible for conducting inspections and other functions in order to ensure proper implementation of regulations, guidelines and procedures, (b) to initiate the modification of systems in order to improve the control systems of the Organization, and (c) to review applications and requests submitted to the Agency as well as other data suspected of irregularities. It is also responsible for the execution of the Agency’s internal audit control (Agency’s accounting).